EYE-TOOTH RELIC - ဒါဌာဓာတု


ဒါဌာဓာတု -    စြယ္ေတာ္ဓာတ္၊ စြယ္ေတာ္။

စြယ္ေတာ္ဓာတ္ ေလးဆူအနက္ လက္ယာအထက္ စြယ္ေတာ္သည္ တာ၀တႎသာနတ္ျပည္၌ လည္းေကာင္း၊ လက္ယာေအာက္စြယ္ေတာ္သည္ ဂႏၶာရတုိင္း၌လည္းေကာင္း၊ လက္၀ဲအထက္စြယ္ေတာ္သည္ ကာလိဂၤတုိင္း၌ လည္းေကာင္း၊ လက္၀ဲေအာက္စြယ္ေတာ္သည္ နဂါးျပည္၌ လည္းေကာင္း တည္ရွိသည္။

Of the four eye-tooth relics of the Buddha, the upper right eye-tooth rests in the Tavatimsa deva realm; the lower right eye-tooth rests in Gandhara country; the upper left eye-tooth rests in the province of Kalinga; and the lower left eye-tooth rests in the realm of naga serpents.