အ႐ူပစ်ာန -   အ႐ူပစ်ာန္။

အ႐ူပစ်ာန္ ၄-မ်ဳိး -

(၁) အာကာသာနၪၥာယတနစ်ာန - အဆုံးမရွိေသာ ေကာင္းကင္ ပညတ္ဟူေသာ တည္ရာအာ႐ုံရွိေသာ စ်ာန္၊

(၂) ၀ိညာဏၪၥာယတနစ်ာန - အဆုံးမရွိေသာ ၀ိညာဏ္ဟူေသာ တည္ရာအာ႐ုံရွိေသာစ်ာန္၊ အ႐ူပဒုတိယစ်ာန္ ဟု ေခၚေသာ ၀ိညာဏၪၥာယတနစ်ာန္ကုိ စ်ာနလာဘီပုဂၢိဳလ္မ်ား ၀င္စားေလ့ရွိၾကသည္။

(၃) အာကိၪၥညာယတနစ်ာန - တစ္စုံတရာ ဘာမွ်မရွိျခင္းဟူေသာ နတၳိေဘာပညတ္လွ်င္ တည္ရာအာ႐ုံရွိေသာ စ်ာန္၊ နတၳိေဘာပညတ္ကုိ အာ႐ုံျပဳလ်က္ အ႐ူပစ်ာန္သုိ႔တက္ၿပီးေသာ စ်ာနလာဘီေယာဂီရေသ့သည္ ေနာက္ဘ၀၌ အ႐ူပျဗဟၼာဘုံသုိ႔ လားရတတ္သည္။

(၄) ေန၀သညာနာသညာယတနစ်ာန - ႐ုန္႔ရင္းေသာ အမွတ္သညာကားမရွိ၊ သိမ္ေမြ႕ေသာ အမွတ္သညာ မရွိသည္မဟုတ္ေသာ စ်ာန္၊ ေန၀သညာနာသညာယတနစ်ာန္ကုိ အ႐ူပစတုတၳစ်ာန္ဟုလည္း ေခၚၾကသည္။

The four kinds of Non-material Sphere Jhᾱna are:

(1) The Jhᾱna with unbounded space as the object of meditation: Akᾱsᾱnancᾱyatana Jhᾱna;

(2) The Jhᾱna with boundless consciousness as the object of meditation: Viññᾱnancᾱyatana jhᾱna. Yogis who have achieved Jhᾱna usually enter upon and dwell in the base (ᾱyatana) consisting of boundless consciousness, which is termed as the Second Jhᾱna of the Non-material Sphere.

(3) The Jhᾱna with Nothingness as the object of meditation: Akincaññᾱyatana jhᾱna. The yogi who has achieved the jhᾱna based on Nothingness passes away to the realm of Brahmas who are devoid of corporeality, arῡpabrahmᾱ.

(4) The Jhᾱna where gross consciousness is absent, yet there is subtle perception so that it is termed as the Jhᾱna of neither-consciousness-nor-non-consciousness: Nevasaññᾱ nᾱsaññᾱyatana jhᾱna. The Nevasaññᾱ nᾱsaññᾱyatana jhᾱna is also called the Fourth Jhᾱna of the Non-material Sphere.