ေသာတာပႏၷ (Sotᾱpanna)- ေသာတာပန္၊ အရိယာမဂ္တည္းဟူေသာ ေရအလ်ဥ္သုိ႔ ေရာက္သူ။

သမထ၀ိပႆနာ ႐ႈပြားရာတြင္ ေသာတာပတၲိမဂ္သုိ႔ ဆုိက္ေရာက္ဆဲပုဂၢိဳလ္ကုိ ေသာတာပတၱိမဂ္ပဂၢိဳလ္ဟု ေခၚ၏။ မဂ္စိတ္တစ္ခ်က္ လြန္ေျမာက္သည္ႏွင့္ တစ္ၿပိဳင္နက္ ေသာတာပတၱိဖုိလ္ ျဖစ္၏။ ထုိအခါ ထုိပုဂၢိဳလ္ကုိ ေသာတာပန္ ဟု ေခၚဆုိရ၏။ ေသာတာပန္ပုဂၢိဳလ္သည္ ေအာက္ပါအဂၤါငါးပါးႏွင့္ ျပည့္စုံသည္။

ေသာတာပန္သည္ -
(၁) ဘုရားရတနာ၌ မတုန္မလႈပ္ သက္၀င္ၾကည္ညိဳသည္။
(၂) ရတနာသုံးပါး၌ မတုန္မလႈပ္ ၾကည္ညိဳသည္။
(၃) ငါးပါးသီလကုိေစာင့္ထိန္းရာ၀ယ္ အသက္ကုိ စြန္႔၍ ေစာင့္ထိန္းသည္။
(၄) သကၠာယဒိ႒ိ, ၀ိစိကိစၧာ, သီလဗၺတပရာမာသ, ဣႆာ, မစၧရိယ သံေယာဇဥ္တရားကုိ အႂကြင္းမဲ႔ ပယ္သတ္သည္။
(၅) အပါယ္လားေၾကာင္း အကုသလကမၼပထ (၁၀)ပါးတြင္ သူ႔အသက္သတ္ျခင္း၊ သူ႔ဥစၥာခုိးျခင္း၊ သူ႔သားမယားအိမ္ရာ ျပစ္မွားျခင္း၊ လိမ္ညာေျပာျခင္း၊ အယူမွားျခင္းကုိ အႂကြင္းမဲ႔ ပယ္သည္။

One who enters the stream of the Ariya Path

In meditating for tranquility and Insight, the yogi who has just gained stream-entry knowledge is called at the very instant, a sotapattimagga puggala. At the immediately following intant after that enlightening thought-moment there follows the Fruition Knowledge. Then he is called a sotapanna, a stream-enterer is endowed with the following five attributes :-

(1) He has an unshakeable conviction in the Buddha;
(2) He has an unshakeable conviction in the Three Gems;
(3) He observes the five precepts even at the risk of his life;
(4) He becomes absolutely free from the fetters (samyojana) of the illusion of Self (the mistaken idea about the existence of a personal entity), doubts, wrong belief in rites and rituals outside the Ariya Path, jealousy and stinginess;
(5) He totally extinguishes five out of the ten modes of evil conduct that lead to the four miserable states of apᾱya, namely, killing, stealing, sexual misconduct (i.e, adultery), lying and wrong views.